Simplify Teaching

Save Time on Course Creation.

Grade Smarter, Not Harder

Unlock Personalized Learning for Every Student

Vaigus is an AI-powered educational platform designed to simplify teaching and enhance learning. Acting as a co-pilot for educators, it streamlines tasks like course creation, assignment generation, and automated grading. By reducing administrative workload, Vaigus allows educators to focus on what truly matters - delivering personalized and engaging learning experiences for students.

How it works?

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    Upload Materials

    Upload educational content, and instantly create AI-powered courses.

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    Generate Assignments

    Vaigus then dynamically designs tailored assignments based on the learning objectives.

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    Automated Grading

    Deliver immediate, accurate results for assignments, quizzes, and exams, freeing up educators to focus on personalized feedback and student interaction.

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    Personalized feedback

    Students receive detailed, constructive feedback to improve learning.

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    And you can track student progress with real-time insights.


Seamlessly integrate Vaigus with multiple LMS platforms, enhancing your existing digital learning ecosystem with AI-powered efficiency.

Why Vaigus?

Vaigus is designed to simplify teaching while maximizing learning outcomes. Its AI-driven tools streamline course creation, automate assignment generation, and provide instant grading, saving educators valuable time and enhancing student engagement.
What Sets Vaigus Apart?

- Effortless Course Creation: Build complete courses in minutes.
- Smart Grading Automation: Grade assignments with speed and precision.
- Personalized Learning Paths: Deliver tailored experiences for every student.
- Actionable Insights: Track progress and make data-driven decisions.

Elevate Teaching. Empower Learning.
Choose Vaigus!

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